Welcome Marlie Joy!!!

Daily tips : Small €€ can save your life!

Buying fruits,juices can save you everyday!! And the good part is it will only cost you few €€ :D

Imagine that you aren't eating well and you got sick,you will need to pay more for the hospital and all that other stuff and might cost you hundreds of $$ and €€.So buying a fruit for only 1€-2€ is a very little amount everyday.

You can buy protection drinks like Danone's Actimel(0€-1€) to protect you're daily life,it contains millions of L-CASEI that helps you improve your immuin system.

So what are you waiting for? Buy as many fruits and protetion drinks now!!You save money and you save your life too!

Original tips by ChatDexter

To have more information about daily diet,we recommend you Livestrong.com(Livestrong.com isn't our partner)

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