Welcome Marlie Joy!!!

Steam,The ultimate online game platform

Steam download link: Click here
System Requirements
Windows XP, Vista, or 7
512 MB RAM
1 Ghz or faster processor

Intel Mac, OS X version Leopard 10.5.8, Snow Leopard 10.6.3, or later.
Two-button mouse strongly recommended

1GB HD space (recommended)
Internet connection (broadband recommended)

Instantly access your favorite games
Over 1,100 games are available to purchase, download, and play from any computer. Check out the new releases, indie hits, casual favorites and everything in between.

Join the Steam Community
Find someone to play with, meet up with friends, connect with groups of similar interests, and host and join chats, matches, and tournaments.

Chat with your friends while gaming
See when your friends are online or playing games and easily join the same games together. Chat with your buddies, or use your microphone to communicate in any game.

Automatic game updates
Hunting for patches and downloading from unorganized web sites is so twentieth-century. On Steam, your games stay up-to-date by themselves. No hassles.

Enjoy Steam-only special offers
From pre-release discounts to free-play weekends, Steam delivers what gamers value most.

Play your favorite games on your Mac
Steam brings PC’s biggest gaming platform to the Mac! Download your games to your mac, play against your PC friends in multiplayer games.

Steam on the go
Steam is now available for both Android and iOS devices.
Click here for more details.

Copied from store.steampowered.com All rights reserve

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